Friday, 06 March 2015 07:34

Roque Nublo: Gran Canaria's Biggest Icon

Roque Nublo guards the centre of Gran Canaria but is surprisingly approachable for an icon: you can walk right up to it and just sit down. With a few ropes and a lot of courage, you can even climb it.

Published in Guide
Thursday, 19 February 2015 16:33

Iconic Gran Canaria: The Bits You Have To See

Once you start getting to know Gran Canaria you find beautiful spots all over the place. But if you only have a week to see Gran Canaria and want to spend some time sunbathing, here's our guide to the island's must-see iconic spots.

Published in Guide

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Tip of the day

  • Aloe Vera: The Gran Canaria Cure For Sunburn
    Aloe Vera: The Gran Canaria Cure For Sunburn

    Gran Canaria's sun is African and in the summer it fries pale northern bodies in minutes. If you want a tan, take it easy for the first couple of days until your skin has a chance to adjust. 


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