Friday, 31 July 2015 13:28

Bioagaete: Gran Canaria's Epic Seaside Music Festival

Music by the ocean at Bioagaete Music by the ocean at Bioagaete

As if Agaete doesn't have enough fun at the La Rama fiesta, it also puts on Gran Canaria's coolest music eco-festival.

Founded by a local electrician called Rastatún, Bioagaete is still a grassroots festival. Started in 2012 by Rastatún, a local electrician, it has since grown into the island's biggest music festival and is still organised by local volunteers in flip flops from Agaete and Puerto de las Nieves.

Bioagaete still works on a completely non-commercial basis and all money raised from corporate sponsorship and t-shirt sales etc is donated to charity. All the acts perform for free and all the organisers donate their time. 

Another great thing about Bioagaete is that it happens right in Puerto de las Nieves town by the beach. The stages are in the town square and right by the sea on the old jetty and all the stalls and activities dotted through the town. The town's famous fish restaurants all open and the whole town (and everyone in Agaete next door) takes part.

But don't just let us tell you about Bioagaete; Here's what it looks and feels like:

Lex Says: Bioagaete 2016 is on the weekend of 18-21 August.


Bioagaete festival drummer at concert by the sea

 The Bioagaete stage by the sea at the old jetty in Puerto de Las Nieves


Bioagaete papaguevos2

 It's a cool mix of local traditions like these giant papaguevo figures


Bioagaete dancing

A bit of local music and dancing (but not too much)


Bioagaete turtle release

Environmental and eco-awareness activities like this rescued sea turtle release


Bioagaete market

Local handicrafts and hippy stuff at the market


Bioagaete sunset

But mostly...


Bioagaete singer

Mostly it's about the music and the fun


Bioagaete forgotten bit

Nobody remembers this bit: If you know what was going on, please let us know


Bioagaete concert

Anyway... great music by the seaside in one of Gran Canaria's coolest towns


Bioagaete beach

Where else can you go to the beach for a swim during a festival?


Bioagaete night

Bioagaete runs for four days and nights  in August


Bioagaete sunset church

And after it's finished, Puerto de las Nieves goes back to its normal, pretty self


Bioagaete preparation

Except here, where the local organising committee starts to plan next years Bioagaete (note the flip flops)


Bioagaete festival 2015 poster


Bioagaete 2015 video
Published in Alternative Tourism

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  • Exchange Money In Gran Canaria Or At Home?
    Exchange Money In Gran Canaria Or At Home?

    Visitors to Gran Canaria often ask whether it is better to exchange their local currency for euros at home or in Gran Canaria. 

    The answer is that it is almost always better to buy your euros at home than it is to bring pounds to Gran Canaria and use local banks or currency exchanges. This rule of thumb applies all over the world. A currency is almost always cheaper the further away you are from the place you can spend it (because demand for it is lower). 

    Exchange rates are almost always better at home than in Gran Canaria

    You are very likely to get a better exchange rate using a British currency exchange specialist or local bank. Many of these companies will deliver your euros to your home.

    One of the best rates in the UK is often from the post office, especially if you do it well in advance.

    The only way you'll get a better rate in Gran Canaria than at home is if the exchange rate changes while you are travelling and this is rare. 

    You also have to bear in mind that currency exchanges in Gran Canaria are getting rarer and some local banks don't exchange money for non-clients. 

    To Transfer large amouynts of money to Gran Canaria, or to make regular transfers, always use a reputable currency broker such as Currencies Direct. This will save you money on exchange rates and bank charges and is highky secure. 

    The risk of bringing cash to Gran Canaria

    Another important factor to consider is the risk of bringing cash to Gran Canaria: If it is lost or stolen, there is no way of getting it back. 

    It is much safer to bring a debit or credit card and use local bank ATMs to take out money. These days, a good option is a pre-charged debit card. 

    Cards may be slightly more expensive that carrying cash, unless you seek out a bank card with low commissions, but it is much more secure. 

    Bank ATMs like Bankia, Santander and BBVA often charge lower rates than the ATMs in shopping centres and busy tourist areas.

    Alex Says: Always select the Euro option at ATMs in Gran Canaria because the exchange rate is much better than if you opt for the Local Currency option. The same applies when you pay by card in shops and restaurants.

    See our Gran Canaria Tips section for more nuggets of useful local information.

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