Alex Bramwell

Alex Bramwell

The Agaete Valley is Gran Canaria's barranco of secrets and it doesn't give them up easily. Here are five things that you never knew about the Agaete Valley. 

Published in Resorts & Places

Las Canteras beach has many claims to fame, but most people don't get past the big one: It's the best city beach in the world. But there's more to Las Canteras than sun, sand and palm trees. Here's ten fascinating facts about Las Palmas' jewel in the crown that most people don't know. 

Published in Las Palmas

Gran Canaria isn't in the EU Customs Union which means low prices on most things but also low duty-free allowances. Here's what you can legally carry home per person.

200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g smoking tobacco. 

One litre of spirits over 22% or 2L spirits under 22%.

Two litres of sparkling wine and two litres of any other wine. 

60 ml of perfume or 250 ml of eau de toilette.

We advise you to buy your cigarettes, alcohol and perfume in local shops rather than in the airport. They are almost always cheaper. 

Published in FAQ2
Monday, 16 February 2015 16:52

Is It Cold In Gran Canaria In Winter

Cold is relative. It was the coldest winter for 10 years in 2014 but day temperatures were always above 20ºC. The south of the island had a couple of cloudy weeks but other than that it was beach weather most days. 

The south of the island had a couple of cloudy weeks but other than that it was beach weather most days. 

Compared to anywhere else you can fly to easily during the winter, Gran Canaria has the best weather. The south of the island is sunny for over 320 days per year and is shelñtered from the wind. 

Published in FAQ2
Monday, 16 February 2015 16:45

Can I Use Your Photos On My Website?

If you want to use a photo or two for your personal website or blog then yes. Do let us know.

If you want to use them for commercial purposes (profit-making website, book, brochure, etc) then please get in touch or visit our professional photography page.



Published in FAQ2

It's likely to be sunny but we don't know exactly. When are you coming?

Check our weather section for detailed weather forecasts for each month, as well as lots of useful info about the seasons and the weather in the resorts. 

Published in FAQ2
Monday, 16 February 2015 16:14

The EHIC Card In Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria has excellent hospitals and private medical clinics. Standards are as high as anywhere in Europe and EU and EEA visitors are covered by their EHIC cards.


Published in Body & Soul
Friday, 13 February 2015 09:54

Gran Canaria Shopping: What To Buy & Where

Almost everything you buy in Gran Canaria is cheaper than in Europe thanks to our low sales tax and lack of luxury item taxes. Low prices and a great range of shops make the island a top shopping destination. 


Published in Shopping

We often get asked if it's safe to buy expensive electronics, such as cameras and mobile phones, in Gran Canaria. Our answer is yes, provided that you go to reputable shops and follow the same precautions as you would at home. 

Published in Shopping

 Back-scratchers, novelty bottle openers and wonky plastic bulls all make amusing souvenirs from Gran Canaria. However, they don't have the authentic kudos of these quality Canarian handicrafts.

Published in Shopping
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