Friday, 25 September 2015 12:23

4 (Very Good) Reasons Not To Touch Giant Gran Canaria Lizards

The giant Gran Canaria lizard The giant Gran Canaria lizard

Giant Gran Canaria lizards (Gallotia simonyi stehlini) only live in Gran Canaria but are common all over the island. However, you really should leave them in peace.

 It's hard to walk anywhere in Gran Canaria without seeing, or at least hearing Gran Canaria's lizards. They grow up to 80 centimetres (but used to be much bigger before man arrived) and have grey skin with a pale belly. They are the largest true lizards in the world.

The larger males have big jaw muscles and a much more colourful chin and throat. Babies, about 20 cm long, have brown bodies with longitudinal stripes, a few spots and a pale throat and belly. As they grow up the lines fade but the spots stay until they get to about 35 cm.  

Giant Gran Canaria lizards will eat pretty much anything from insects to carrion. Chuck a slice of tomato or banana at a lizard in Gran Canaria and there is a good chance it'll run over and eat it.   

Anyway, enough of the details; here's why you shouldn't touch them (unless you have to fish one out of the swimming pool). 

They are a protected species

Giant Gran Canaria lizardThe main reason not to touch giant Gran Canaria lizards is that they are heavily protected by law. It is illegal to kill or harm them, and even to catch them.

This is because giant lizards on the other Canary Islands are either highly endangered or extinct.    There are only a few hundred of the Tenerife species left, a few hundred El Hierro giant lizards, and just 90 of the La Gomera giant lizards. The La Palma giant lizard was thought to be extinct but a recent sighting suggests that a few survive.   

Giant lizards used to be common on all five of these islands but have been hunted by introduced cats, rats and hedgehogs for centuries. 

Luckily, the Gran Canaria species is much feistier and breeds at a smaller size than the others so it is still common. However, it is now threatened because some idiot released California king snakes a few years back and they are spreading fast and eat a lot of lizards.

They are aggressive with a strong bite  

Giant Gran Canaria lizards are highly aggressive and spend a lot of time chasing each other about. They also have a very hard bite and don’t let go once they get hold of something; A big one can take a chunk out of a finger. Luckily, Giant Gran Canaria lizards never attack without being provoked so there is no need to be scared of them.

If you do find one in your apartment or on your patio use a brush to push it into a bucket. Don’t try and grab it unless you are sure that you are faster than the lizard (you're not).

They Drop Their Tails   

If you are foolhardy enough to grab a giant Gran Canaria lizard,  there's a good chance it will drop its tail out of shock. The severed and bloody tail then thrashes about on the floor and makes a mess. The idea is that predators get distracted by the wriggling tail and the rest of the lizard escapes.

Lizards that drop their tail eventually grow a new one but it takes a lot of time and energy and is never as pretty as the original.   

They were here first

Giant Gran Canaria lizards were on the island long before the tourist resorts and motorways. In fact, they were here for millions of years before people even knew the island existed. The lizards are are the original Canarians and deserve to able to roam as they please. Feel free to throw a tomato their way, but please make every effort not to harm or disturb them.

Published in Alternative Tourism

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Tip of the day

  • Exchange Money In Gran Canaria Or At Home?
    Exchange Money In Gran Canaria Or At Home?

    Visitors to Gran Canaria often ask whether it is better to exchange their local currency for euros at home or in Gran Canaria. 

    The answer is that it is almost always better to buy your euros at home than it is to bring pounds to Gran Canaria and use local banks or currency exchanges. This rule of thumb applies all over the world. A currency is almost always cheaper the further away you are from the place you can spend it (because demand for it is lower). 

    Exchange rates are almost always better at home than in Gran Canaria

    You are very likely to get a better exchange rate using a British currency exchange specialist or local bank. Many of these companies will deliver your euros to your home.

    One of the best rates in the UK is often from the post office, especially if you do it well in advance.

    The only way you'll get a better rate in Gran Canaria than at home is if the exchange rate changes while you are travelling and this is rare. 

    You also have to bear in mind that currency exchanges in Gran Canaria are getting rarer and some local banks don't exchange money for non-clients. 

    To Transfer large amouynts of money to Gran Canaria, or to make regular transfers, always use a reputable currency broker such as Currencies Direct. This will save you money on exchange rates and bank charges and is highky secure. 

    The risk of bringing cash to Gran Canaria

    Another important factor to consider is the risk of bringing cash to Gran Canaria: If it is lost or stolen, there is no way of getting it back. 

    It is much safer to bring a debit or credit card and use local bank ATMs to take out money. These days, a good option is a pre-charged debit card. 

    Cards may be slightly more expensive that carrying cash, unless you seek out a bank card with low commissions, but it is much more secure. 

    Bank ATMs like Bankia, Santander and BBVA often charge lower rates than the ATMs in shopping centres and busy tourist areas.

    Alex Says: Always select the Euro option at ATMs in Gran Canaria because the exchange rate is much better than if you opt for the Local Currency option. The same applies when you pay by card in shops and restaurants.

    See our Gran Canaria Tips section for more nuggets of useful local information.

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