The average day temperature is 22ºC but it often reaches 30ºC on the beaches. The water temperature is 19ºC but is often warmer in shallow areas.
On average it rains for one day during April and is sunny for 7.5 hours every day. April is the perfect month to come to Gran Canaria if you want sunshine and warmth but don't like the intense summer heat. The end of April is basically the beginning of summer in Gran Canaria.
April is also when the flowers all over the island go crazy. The top of the island is carpeted in yellow broom flowers and wildflowers grow everywhere outside the resorts. Walking is Gran Canaria in April is as good as it gets. You still need an extra layer in the mountains but it’s warm most days.
Come to Gran Canaria in April for the best of both worlds in Gran Canaria. The Cumbres are spectacular and the beaches are balmy.