06.02.2107: If you've watched the Gran Canaria weather forecasts for next week, you'll have noticed that they look a bit gnarly. There's definitely weather incoming but we're not exactly sure what it is yet.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016 10:06

Gran Canaria Weather: Big Tuna To Bring Snow?

GRAN CANARIA WEATHER UPDATE 16/02/2016: The wind and waves start to fade today before a steep drop in temperature on Thursday, and the possibility of a Big Tuna event this weekend.

Internet and social media reports about a hurricane heading towards the Canary Islands are nonsense.

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Tip of the day

  • Aloe Vera: The Gran Canaria Cure For Sunburn
    Aloe Vera: The Gran Canaria Cure For Sunburn

    Gran Canaria's sun is African and in the summer it fries pale northern bodies in minutes. If you want a tan, take it easy for the first couple of days until your skin has a chance to adjust. 


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